Paul Bascobert, President of Reuters

Paul Bascobert, the recently appointed President of Reuters, addresses the changing landscape for the news industry: looking at the pivotal role of authoritative newsgathering – in an age when anyone can gather news; and the threats and opportunities presented by new technology, new video formats and AI.


John King, CNN Anchor and Chief National Correspondent

CNN’s John King reviews the increasingly polarising frontline of US politics, looks ahead to the challenge of covering the next presidential election and reflects on the lessons of his distinguished career.

Juan Carlos van Meek

Juan Carlos van Meek joins the panel looking at the challenge of reaching new audiences through editorial and digital innovation. Juan is the Director of Digital Innovation and Programming at Al Jazeera Media Network.

Charlotta Friborg

Charlotta Friborg joins our Global Editors Panel, where leading Editors from different regions share their views on the frontline issues facing the news industry in the next twelve months.

Belén López Garrido

Belén López Garrido co-ordinated the ground-breaking investigation on “The Missing Children of Ukraine”, which shed light on the Kremlin-organized transfer of hundreds of minors from occupied areas of East Ukraine into Russia, and their placement into Russian families for fostering or permanent adoption.

Angelina Fusco

Angelina Fusco joins the panel looking at how better to protect the physical safety and mental health of frontline journalists before, during and after assignments.