Hot Press
Ireland’s legendary music, entertainment, politics and pop culture magazine based in Dublin. https://www.hotpress.com
Ireland’s legendary music, entertainment, politics and pop culture magazine based in Dublin. https://www.hotpress.com
Speakers: Nart Bouran, Chief Executive Officer, International Media Investments and Sky News Arabia; Charlotta Friborg, Head of Programming & Editor in Chief, SVT News; Mehdi Lebouachera, Editor-in-Chief, AFP Asia-Pacific Region; Teresa Bo, Latin America correspondent, Al Jazeera English and Marina Sapia, International Desk Chief, RAI Tg1 and Deidre McCarthy, Managing Director, RTE News & Current Affairs
Speakers: Angelina Kariakina, UA:PBC Head of News (2021-2023), Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine: UA:PBC; John Sweeney, Writer; Clodagh Kilcoyne, Photojournalist, Reuters; Mika Mäkeläinen, Senior Foreign News Journalist, Yle and Belén López Garrido, Editorial Manager for News Strategy and Project Manager of the EBU
Speaking: Marina Ovsyannikova, Journalist and Activist and Christophe Deloire, Secretary General and Director General, Reporters Without Borders