Registration will be open from from 8am Monday and Tuesday.
Registration will be open from from 8am Monday and Tuesday.
Speakers: Nart Bouran, Chief Executive Officer, International Media Investments and Sky News Arabia; Charlotta Friborg, Head of Programming & Editor in Chief, SVT News; Mehdi Lebouachera, Editor-in-Chief, AFP Asia-Pacific Region; Teresa Bo, Latin America correspondent, Al Jazeera English and Marina Sapia, International Desk Chief, RAI Tg1 and Deidre McCarthy, Managing Director, RTE News & Current Affairs
Speakers: Angelina Kariakina, UA:PBC Head of News (2021-2023), Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine: UA:PBC; John Sweeney, Writer; Clodagh Kilcoyne, Photojournalist, Reuters; Mika Mäkeläinen, Senior Foreign News Journalist, Yle and Belén López Garrido, Editorial Manager for News Strategy and Project Manager of the EBU
Speaking: Marina Ovsyannikova, Journalist and Activist and Christophe Deloire, Secretary General and Director General, Reporters Without Borders
Steve Rosenberg, BBC Moscow Correspondent, on the daily difficulties of covering the Russian perspective.
Speakers: Phil Chetwynd, Global News Director, Agence France-Presse; Helje Solberg, Chair of Faktisk and News Director at NRK and Emmanuelle Saliba, Senior Reporter, ABC News
Lunch provides an opportunity to visit the exhibitor stands in the extensive Forum area of the Convention Centre – where there will also be workshops, to expand on the themes of News Xchange. Details of the exhibitors and activities in the forum will be announced shortly.
A discussion on how, through collaboration, this pledge can become an industry reality, helping and supporting journalists tell the whole story of climate change.
Speakers: Angelina Fusco, Chair, Dart Centre Europe; Elena Cosentino, Director, International News Safety Institute; Secunder Kermani, Foreign Affairs Correspondent, Channel 4 News; Jean-Marc Mojon, Deputy global editor-in-chief in charge of security coordination, Agence France-Presse (AFP) and Tira Shubart, Chair, The Rory Peck Trust
Mstyslav Chernov is an award-winning Ukrainian video journalist with The Associated Press. He recorded the siege of Mariupol, showing the world eyewitness accounts of the Russian attacks on the city.